Flight information

For offers with pauschal type, you can for some tour operators request information about flight included in package.

API Endpoint is located at /offer/<TourOperator>/<hashCode>/flight-info

Required paramaters are DepartureAirport and ArrivalAirport. These can be provided either as GET paramaters, or as POST field in the following structure

typedef Request = struct{
    DepartureAirport string
    ArrivalAirport   string

Example: /offer/ETI/X70P001EC50001:0000002200000F0C001C9FCEF/flight-info?DepartureAirport=MUC&ArrivalAirport=HRG

Response structure

typedef Response = struct{
    # List of flights available for this offer
    Flights array{
            FlightID     string # Flight sequential ID
            CarrierName  string # Carrier name
            CarrierCode  string # Carrier code
            FlightNumber string # Flight number
            Departure    struct{
                Date string # Departure date (d.m.Y format)
                Time string # Departure time (HHMM format)
                IATA string # IATA Code of departure airport
                Name string # Human readable name of departure airport
            Arrival      struct{
                Date string # Arrival date (d.m.Y format)
                Time string # Arrival time (HHMM format)
                IATA string # IATA Code of arrival airport
                Name string # Human readable name of arrival airport

            # URL to flight provider logo (if applicable, might be empty)
            ProviderLogo string

    # Status code contains resulting status after an operation
    StatusCode struct{
        # Detailed status code
        ID     int

        # Detailed status description
        Text   string

    Operator struct{
        # Tour operator code
        TourOperator      string

        # Agenture number for this agency
        Agenture          string

        # Hash code of offer that this operation was performed on
        HashCode          string

    # Human readable multiline text returned by the tour operator.
    # This text usually includes a summary of the offer being booked
    # with additional notes provided by the tour operator
    Info      array{string}

Example response

    "RequestID": "d17c4dcc-5e32d3a7b112a392797404",
    "Flights": [
            "FlightID": "1",
            "CarrierName": "Condor",
            "CarrierCode": "DE",
            "FlightNumber": "0024",
            "Departure": {
                "Date": "01.02.2020",
                "Time": "1150",
                "IATA": "MUC",
                "Name": "M\u00fcnchen (DE)"
            "Arrival": {
                "Date": "01.02.2020",
                "Time": "1710",
                "IATA": "HRG",
                "Name": "Hurghada"
            "ProviderLogo": null
            "FlightID": "2",
            "CarrierName": "Condor",
            "CarrierCode": "DE",
            "FlightNumber": "0025",
            "Departure": {
                "Date": "08.02.2020",
                "Time": "1810",
                "IATA": "HRG",
                "Name": "Hurghada"
            "Arrival": {
                "Date": "08.02.2020",
                "Time": "2150",
                "IATA": "MUC",
                "Name": "M\u00fcnchen (DE)"
            "ProviderLogo": null
            "FlightID": "3",
            "CarrierName": "TUIfly",
            "CarrierCode": "X3",
            "FlightNumber": "6682",
            "Departure": {
                "Date": "01.02.2020",
                "Time": "1900",
                "IATA": "MUC",
                "Name": "M\u00fcnchen (DE)"
            "Arrival": {
                "Date": "02.02.2020",
                "Time": "0010",
                "IATA": "HRG",
                "Name": "Hurghada"
            "ProviderLogo": null
    "StatusCode": {
        "ID": 998,
        "Text": "Flight Information"
    "Operator": {
        "TourOperator": "ETI",
        "Agenture": "10156",
        "HashCode": "X70P001EC50001:0000002200000F0C001C9FCEF"
    "Info": [
        "Strecke Datum      Abflug Ankunft Flugnr Kl Free ST Flugcode",
        "MUC HRG 01.02.20   11:50  17:10   DE0024  Y 20 K OK MUCHRG6C",
        "HRG MUC 08.02.20   18:10  21:50   DE0025  Y 20 K OK HRGMUC6C",
        "MUC HRG 01.02.20   19:00  00:10+1 X36682  Y 15 K OK MUCHRG6H",
        "HRG MUC 09.02.20   01:15  05:05   X36683  Y 15 K OK HRGMUC6H",
        "MUC HRG 01.02.20   11:50  17:10   DE0024  Y 20 K OK MUCHRG6C",
        "HRG MUC 09.02.20   01:15  05:05   X36683  Y 15 K OK HRGMUC6H",
        "Aktuelle Flugzeiten laut Reiseunterlagen! .",
        "CRS made with love by traffics",
        "Request ID: d17c4dcc-5e32d3a7b112a392797404",
        "CRS powered by ORS"