Content types
For search, offers in our API are grouped into multiple databases depending on content type. This type must be included in search requests.
Depending on a content type different fields are applicable in a search query and search results may have different fields present in its results.
These content types are:
Pauschal: Includes hotel offers with air transport included by a tour operator.
Hotel: Includes only hotel offers, with customer requiring to organize their own transport.
Trip: Organized (and usually guided) trips performed by tour operators.
Search parameters
Search query is always sent as a single JSON object and is structured the same regardless of a search request.
All parameters are named the same in all search requests, however some are applicable only for specific content types.
If the search is not specific enough, queries may fail completly or may
fail to display all results correctly. We recommend using regions
to get general pricing across regions, products
to get offers in a
specific set of regions and finally dates
to get a list of bookable
dates for a selected offer(s).
By default API returns only 10 results per page. If you wish to show more
results per page set Count
field appropriately.
Paramater | Format | Description | Trips | Hotel | Pauschal |
StartDate | d.m.Y / int | Starting date of search period | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
EndDate | d.m.Y / int | Ending date of search period | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
MinDuration | int | Minimum duration of travel | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
MaxDuration | int | Maximum duration of travel | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
AdultCount | int | Number of adults | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
ChildrenAge | array of int | Age of children | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Count | int | Number of results per page (default 10) | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Page | int | Page number (default 0) | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
ArrivalAirport | array of string* | Arival airport | x | x | ✔️ |
DepartureAirport | array of string* | Departure airport | x | x | ✔️ |
TourOperator | array of string* | List of Tour Operator codes | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
ExcludeTourOperator | array of string* | List of Tour Operator codes | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Region | array of int* | List of regions | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
RegionGroup | array of int* | List of region groups | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Location | array of int* | List of locations (cities) | x | ✔️ | ✔️ |
LocationName | string | Location name | x | ✔️ | ✔️ |
GiataID | array of int* | List of GIATA IDs | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
RoomType | array of string* | List of room types | x | ✔️ | ✔️ |
RoomSubtypes | array of string* | List of room subtypes | x | ✔️ | ✔️ |
RoomLocations | array of string* | List of room locations | x | ✔️ | ✔️ |
RoomFacilities | array of string* | List of room facilities | x | ✔️ | ✔️ |
ServiceType | array of string* | List of service types (usually meal) | x | ✔️ | ✔️ |
MinimumCategory | int | Minimum product category | x | ✔️ | ✔️ |
ProductName | string | Explicit product name | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
ProductFacts | array of string* | Search GIATA Facts | x | ✔️ | ✔️ |
ProductCode | string | Explicit product code | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
SubType | string | Trip subtype | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Tags | array of string | Additional search tags | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Filter | Filter | Requested filters | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
RFilter | RFilter | Range filters | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Sort | Sort | Sorting by | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
and EndDate
can be numeric values. If it is provided as int
it is assumed that search from (today + value) days is requested. For example,
StartDate = 1
and EndDate = 100
means search from tomorrow and for 100 days
into the future.
If both LocationName
and Location
are present, LocationName
is prefered.
Some fields like TourOperator
, RoomTypes
and similar, require specific
code to be sent, representing the specific type. Please refer to Codes list.
section of this documentation on where to obtain them.
Additionaly, ExcludeTourOperator
takes precedence over TourOperator
. For example, if
TourOperator field contains values A,B,C
and ExcludeTourOperator contains B,D
it has the same effect as sending TourOperator with only values of A
and C
are additonal values that allows you to narrow down your search to offers
that only contains those values. Since those values are higly Tour Operator specific,
you should consult with them as to what possible values are. Curretly only supported
are users ORS SellIT.
Additionaly some modifiers are available, that take form of boolean values, that modify some search behaviour. They are send in same array as a search query.
Paramater | Description | Trips | Hotel | Pauschal |
IncludeEmptyGid | Include objects without GIATA ID (default=true) | x | ✔️ | ✔️ |
AddTagsToName | Add values of GIATA Tags to an object name | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
SearchGiataTags | ProductName search field should search GIATA Tags too |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
OnlySkiResorts | Search only by places that have SKI tag set | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Refer to examples to see how this looks in practice.
* When only one element is sent it does not need to be in an array
ORS Uses GIATA IDs to group objects from different data sources together and add additional information about object.
However, some data sources do not return objects with GIATA ID assigned and our system has no way of assigning it itself. In that case, we will still return object, but with GIATA ID empty. These objects usually also have less additional information available.
If you don not want to receive these objects, you can set IncludeEmptyGid
field to false
. Default valuse is set to true
and dates
queries send additional data that enables you to filter
the given result set. This section documents the request and response data
For requesting the filter the following structure is used;
# Key in this represents the name of FilterGroup and
# value is an array of filter codes you want to filter by.
typedef Filter = map{
string => array{string}
Possible filters are always returned response in Filters
root key, as an
following JSON structure;
typedef Filters => map{
# Key-value pair of groups. Keys are types of
# filters you can filter by.
string => map{
# Key-value pair of filters. Keys are codes you send
# when you want to filter by given value
string => struct{
Value string # User-visible value
Selected bool # Set to true when the filter was selected in request
# Otherwise this value is not displayed
Refer to example to see how this specific structure looks in practice and to specific search requests to see what kind of filters are available in each type.
Range filters
Range filters are filters that allow filtering by specific range, not just distinct values.
Range filters have the following request structure;
typedef RFilter = map{
# Keys are types of filters you can filter by.
string => struct{
Minimum float
Maximum float
Possible filters are returned as a response in the RFilter
root with the
same structure as request.
Refer to example to see a more specific example.
Sorts are returned in the Sorts
key, with the following structure:
typedef Sort = array{
map{string => string}
Where the key is the field name of being sorted by, and value is the direction
it's sorting by (asc
for ascending desc
for descending).
You can request different sorting orders, by including an array of the same key-value pairs in the request. Order in which are given is important.
Refer to example to see how this works in practice.
API Quirks
The ORS API uses multiple sources to gather offers. Since some sources provide an only limited view, it can happen that with a too generic search queries you might get only a limited amount of results.
In practice, this means, that some objects will not be visible in a search unless you narrow down your search. A most common symptom of this is when an object is found by our API when you search directly by its GIATA code, but not when you search only by region this object belongs to. This tends to affect only higher-priced objects.
This is an example request, including filters, sorts and range filters.
In this request, we're searching for two adults in the period anywhere
from 23.11.2019 up to 23.01.2020 in region group with code 100023
happens to be Croatia) for 5 tour operators (given by their codes).
We also want results filtered by offers provided only by tour operators with
code PALM
and KOMP
, by durations of only 2, 3 or 4 days. We also request
price to be filtered to any offer with a price between 15 and 300 EUR.
Finally, we want the result set first sorted by GIATA ID in ascending order and then by Price in descending order.
"StartDate": "23.11.2019",
"EndDate": "23.01.2025",
"AdultCount": 2,
"RegionGroup": 100007,
"MinDuration": 1,
"MaxDuration": 32,
"TourOperator": ["PALM", "KOMP", "CEN", "SJK", "SON"],
"Filter": {
"Duration": [2, 3, 4],
"TourOperator": ["PALM", "KOMP"]
"RFilter": {
"Price": {
"Minmum": 15,
"Maximum": 300
"Sort": [
{"GiataID": "asc"},
{"Price": "desc"}
This is an example of communication when executing the request, including request and response HTTP headers:
# curl -H "X-Api-Key: 76e3d60e029cb8ee9b45ecd959151f35" -d '{"StartDate":"23.11.2019","EndDate":"23.01.2025","AdultCount":2,"RegionGroup":100007,"MinDuration":1,"MaxDuration":32,"Filter":{"Duration":[2,3,4],"TourOperator":["PALM","KOMP"]},"RFilter":{"Price":{"Minmum":15,"Maximum":300}},"Sort":[{"GiataID":"asc"},{"Price":"desc"}]}' -v
> POST /crs/v2/search/trips/products HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.66.0
> X-Api-Key: 76e3d60e029cb8ee9b45ecd959151f35
> Content-Length: 291
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2019 11:36:06 GMT
< Server: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian)
< X-Request-ID: d17c4dcc-5de4f7265fac7652936420
< X-Requests-Left: 500
< Content-Length: 4849
< Content-Type: application/json
"RequestID": "d17c4dcc-5e6facc17e5c7527732425",
"Count": 140,
"Pages": 14,
"Page": 0,
"Sorts": {
"Price": "desc"
"Filters": {
"TourOperator": {
"KOMP": {
"Value": "Kompas"
"OSK": {
"Value": null
"PALM": {
"Value": "Palma"
"SON": {
"Value": "Son\u010dek"
"ZND": {
"Value": "\u017dniders Turizem"
"SubType": {
"busplane": {
"Value": "busplane"
"busplaneship": {
"Value": "busplaneship"
"catalog": {
"Value": "catalog"
"plane": {
"Value": "plane"
"train": {
"Value": "train"
"trip": {
"Value": "trip"
"Duration": {
"1": {
"Value": "1"
"2": {
"Value": "2"
"3": {
"Value": "3"
"4": {
"Value": "4"
"5": {
"Value": "5"
"6": {
"Value": "6"
"7": {
"Value": "7"
"8": {
"Value": "8"
"9": {
"Value": "9"
"Region": {
"100030": {
"Value": "Trentino-S\u00fcdtirol \/ Dolomiten"
"100031": {
"Value": "Tuscany \/ Tuscany Coast"
"100034": {
"Value": "Abruzzo \/ Molise"
"100088": {
"Value": "North Tyrol"
"100261": {
"Value": "Venice & vicinity"
"100262": {
"Value": "Roundtrips"
"100299": {
"Value": "Italy - Around & adventure travel"
"100366": {
"Value": "Milan and surroundings"
"99990060": {
"Value": "Piemonte"
"99990061": {
"Value": "Trentino-High Adige"
"99990062": {
"Value": "Dolomites"
"RFilters": {
"Price": {
"Minimum": 32,
"Maximum": 969
"Results": [
"Product": {
"OfferName": "Sicilija - Po poteh vulkanov",
"GiataID": 2223491109067,
"Picture": {
"Thumbnail": "https:\/\/\/giata-pics3\/2223491109067\/thumb.jpg",
"Full": "https:\/\/\/giata-pics3\/2223491109067\/full.jpg"
"MinimumPrice": 969,
"TourOperators": {
"OSK": {
"Name": "Oskar"
"ProductCodes": [
"Regions": {
"84": "Sicily"
"Durations": [
"StartDates": [
"SubTypes": [
"Product": {
"GiataID": 2221540355744,
"Picture": {
"Thumbnail": "https:\/\/\/giata-pics2\/2221540355744\/thumb.jpg",
"Full": "https:\/\/\/giata-pics2\/2221540355744\/full.jpg"
"MinimumPrice": 669,
"TourOperators": {
"KOMP": {
"Name": "Kompas",
"Logo": "https:\/\/\/orslib\/ikonce\/toc\/komp.gif"
"ProductCodes": [
"Regions": {
"78": "Apulia"
"Durations": [
"StartDates": [
"SubTypes": [