Availability check

Action name: verify

Availability check takes in information about passengers and services and runs a check with the Tour operator, to see whenever an offer is available and calculate the final price for that combination.

Example: /offer/ODP/5d732c3c1b55244a4f066f5fbf831b77:1576886400:1/verify

For simple check, AdultCount and ChildrenAge are sufficient.

Register booking

Action name: register

Register creates an entry in the ORS system but does not create a booking in Tour Operator system. An agent has to finalize the booking using an application such as ORS SMART.

This operation does not affect the stock on the tour operator's side.

Generally, you should prefer register over booking method, as it allows an agent to see data customer has entered and can make last minute corrections before booking is send off to Tour operator.

For this operation, all passengers and customer information has to be present.


This action does not perform any changes on tour operator system, meaning you can safely use it to create test bookings in the ORS system.

Example: /offer/ODP/5d732c3c1b55244a4f066f5fbf831b77:1576886400:1/register

You can also generate test registration, that will not be saved into ORS system, by appending ?test=true as a URL paramter (example: /offer/ODP/5d73...00:1/register?test=true. This is can be used for testing the booking/register command without affecting anything in ORS system.


Action name: booking

Booking creates a booking in the ORS system and in the Tour operator system.

This method will affect stock on the tour operator side and may create cancellation fees. For testing, it is recommended to use the register method, as it returns almost the same output.

For this operation, all passengers and customer information has to be present.

Example: /offer/ODP/5d732c3c1b55244a4f066f5fbf831b77:1576886400:1/booking

For booking of more then 1 room, add RoomCount paramter. But check if the supplier supports booking more than one room.


Action name: option

The option creates an optional booking in ORS and tour operator systems. Options are bookings with ability to cancel them without cancellation costs, for a fixed period (usually a few days, but depends on tour operator). After this period (depending on tour operator) an option will be automatically canceled or fixed (turned into regular booking).

For this operation, all passengers and customer information has to be present.


Not all offers have an option possible. Check status code returned by this call.


There is no generic way of finding out what the tour operator will do after option expires (turn into booking or cancell it), or even when it will expire. Always consult with textual response returned in info field to see tour operator policy for that specific offer.

Example: /offer/ODP/5d732c3c1b55244a4f066f5fbf831b77:1576886400:1/option

For booking of more then 1 room, add RoomCount paramter. But check if the supplier supports booking more than one room.

Option check

Action name: option-check

Option check checks for availability of an option on a given offer. It is similar to verify, but that it checks only whenever you can successfully make an optional booking ("option") on a given offer.

Example: /offer/ODP/5d732c3c1b55244a4f066f5fbf831b77:1576886400:1/option-check

For simple check, AdultCount and ChildrenAge are sufficient.